The Importance of Outdoor Play

The Endless Benefits of Outdoor Play for Early Years!

 The Importance of Outdoor Play

In a world of video games and screens, it might seem difficult to find the time or the motivation to get up and get outside. Although children and parents may struggle to see the importance and the benefits from outdoor play, there are many! Outdoor play is fun, exciting, and an important part of growing up, but outdoor play is extra important for the actual health and well being of humans! The sun's rays help to produce Vitamin D in the body. Vitamin D is essential in bone development- if you want to have big strong bones, get outside and soak up that sunshine! It doesn't take long, and people should always be mindful of the power of the sun. Research from Tri-City Medical Center in San Diego shows that 15 minutes a few times a week is enough time for the sun to have its positive affects on the body. Any longer and you should put some sunscreen on to prevent any damage from the sun's rays. To read more on Tri-City Medical Center's take on outdoor play, click the link below.

Outdoor play is also a key factor in bettering mental health. As we can see in the world around us, there is a mental health crisis and people are suffering. Social media and other prevalent trends can often have sever downfalls and contribute to the declining mental health of people everywhere. To feel better and to have an overall improvement in mood and energy, it is important for people to spend some time outside in the sun each week. Fresh air and exposure to sunlight help the body in producing serotonin- a chemical associated with a positive mood. Children can yell, run, make a big mess and just be a kid while they soak up everything the outdoors have to offer. Playing outside can also lead to new developments of friendships or opportunities for socialization. For example, if you take your child to a public park, most likely they will meet another child and begin playing together- how wonderful! This socialization is important for their social/emotional development as well- checking off two important aspects of development with one trip to the park! 
benefits of outdoor play J White - First Discoverers

There may be times where it is difficult to find what to do outside, where to go, or how to make outdoor play fun for children. Outdoor play doesn't have to be expensive, it can be free! If you struggle to find different ways to encourage or assist with outdoor play with your child, click the link below. The article talks about the importance of outdoor play with ideas for incorporating outdoor play for different age groups. This resource is a great way to get your child outside and playing, while also helping to build your relationship with them. Enjoy the read and have fun outside! 


Outdoor play. Raising Children Network. (2022, April 20). Retrieved December 4, 2022, from 


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