The Role of Technology in Teaching and Learning
The Role of Technology in Teaching and Learning

For teachers everywhere, technology has both helped and hindered the way they educate the youth. Technology has helped teachers in more ways than we can fit on this blog post! Teachers no longer need to stand at the front to he classroom lecturing for the entirety of the day. Projectors, laptops, smart boards and other everyday technology uses in the classroom allow for more depth and accommodations in the classroom. Teachers can take students on a field trip across the world from their classroom, students can perform full biology class dissections online, and we can help to better meet the needs of all learners with the use of assistive technology.
I'm sure by this point, you're thinking how could technology possibly hinder a classroom, look at the good it has done? Often times, the overuse of technology can take away the face-to-face connection that students need with teachers. It is also very distracting for students to have a laptop or tablet at their desk at school-the possibilities on that thing are endless! Technology can also make cheating easier while also creating a disadvantage to children who do not always have access to technology. Although teachers are trying their best to appropriately incorporate technology into their classroom, it is a fine line that many educators find difficult to navigate.

Technology has caused the learning side of school to do a complete 180. If we have a question on anything what do we do- we Google it. Children have become so conditioned to this lifestyle, working in a classroom can prove to be difficult from time to time. Children are also faced with a limitless world when they are given access to the internet (check out the blog post about internet safety for a deeper dive into this). While having access to (literally) everything is scary to think about in terms of our children's safety, it also allows them to have the most immersive and explorative education they possibly could!
Technology allows for children to be assisted in ways that human beings cannot assist. Assistive technology has transformed the field of education and has allowed for students of all abilities to be successful within the classroom. From wheelchairs and braces to computers and tablets, assistive technology has opened the door of opportunities for students everywhere. Nonverbal children are given the ability to communicate and children with severe physical disabilities are provided the ability to participate and navigate a classroom independently.
I cannot wait to see what benefits the next decade of research and technological developments has on assistive technology!

How important is technology in education?: American University. School of Education Online. (2022, October 27). Retrieved December 4, 2022, from
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