How to Reduce Test Anxiety

Do You Have Test Anxiety? It's completely normal to feel anxious before a test or big assignment, we all do it! Expecting success for your hard work isn't a bad thing, just as going into an assignment expecting yourself to perform well is not a bad thing. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to process and deal with their anxiety, and a small-stakes test or quiz can feel like the end of the world. The pressure and the idea of not doing well is overwhelming and, in some cases, debilitating. So, how do we deal with this? Firstly, the best way to deal with test anxiety is to come prepared. There is no better path to success than being completely prepared. Knowing the materials and being confident in your knowledge of them is important for your performance level. Confidence plays a large role in performance in general- not specifically test performance. When a person goes into an activity, test, or performan ce with confidence the outcome will look much different than if the pers...